Weight training has long been known to improve health, improve strength, step up vigor, and improve the physique. Men have been taking advantage of this fact for many years now, but many women have avoided weight training and continue to do so because they see it as a masculine thing meant to bulk up muscle.
Many women have abstained from training with weights because of some misconceptions associated with women and weight training. If you have never given any thought to working out with weights before, it is probably because one or more of the common myths about women's weight training is stopping you.
Let's take a look at some of these myths and let's find out just what the real truth is and why you should not let them stop you from taking advantage of all the benefits weight training has to offer.
One common myth is that some women think they are too old to work with weights. The truth is you are never too old to be able to strengthen and tone your muscles. By using lighter weights and a relatively low intensity program you can still benefit from weight training. It has been proven through studies that people as old as 80 and even 90 who started weight training saw up to a 200% increase in strength over a one month period.
Another common myth is that some women think they will lose their flexibility with weight training. The truth here is that weight training will actually help you to become more flexible. By doing weight training exercises through a full range of motion your muscles are put into a stretch with each repetition and by strengthening them, they are less prone to injury while doing stretching exercises.
This next myth is probably the most common one by far. Many women think that if they lift weights they will develop big muscles and look bulky and unfeminine. Nothing can be further from the truth! The fact is, women don't have near enough of the male hormone testosterone, and testosterone is the major growth hormone that will produce bulky muscles. Unless women use supplemental means like steroids and growth hormone, they cannot bulk up like men. Weight training will get you firm and toned but by no means will it make you look manly.
One myth that is fairly common is that some women think that weight training is just boring and tedious. The truth is that weight training can be done with a friend, and you can make each other laugh as well as help keep each other on track. You can listen to music as you exercise. You can mix different exercises into your routine and change up your routine from time to time. You will also find that as your strength and your body are improving, you will feel so much better about it all. When you reach a certain goal, give yourself a reward like eating out in a fancy restaurant or taking a weekend vacation somewhere nice.
Now that you know the truth to some of the myths that have been stopping you from enjoying the many benefits of weight training, there is no reason for you not to make it a part of you exercise regimen. Weight training is no longer strictly for men only. So get up, get to the weights, and get fit for life.

It definitely hurts terribly. Mine just happened 3 days ago, and now I am writing this article on "How to get over a Break up". It's really not easy for me to write this article, it still feels quite painful, but I hope this will help you.
First allow me to share with you my story. Most probably you won't have the same type of break up as mine but we all have the same problem. Our heart really hurts. It hurts so much that sometimes I think I might gone crazy any moment.
Mine only lasts 5 months plus, and she broke up with me 4 days before Valentine's Day. We started off very fast in the beginning, but the love was dying off very fast as well. Perhaps it was infatuation, I don't know but I don't regret it. Both of us are peace lovers meaning that we seldom quarrel. But as times go by, probably the love get lesser and lesser or should I say the attraction becomes lesser.
And you know what's the reasons for breaking up? She said that she has no love for me. And she is very tired of loving, tired of caring for a person. That really hurts me for the past 4 days, and I still love her.
I have been crying on off on off for the past few days and all I think was her, the memories of her, the places we have been to, the intimate things we have done, all the promises she have made, sometimes I caught myself listening to her recorded voice, thinking of all the possibilities that I could have made so she won't break up with me and why would she wants to break up.
Actually she broke up kind of sudden to me and I have really no reaction time. I did not see it coming because for the past few weeks, everything seems ok.
I couldn't get the fact that she is gone, I look at my handphone every morning hoping that she would return, she would come back to me, sometimes I even thought I still can talk to her during the night which I do everyday for the past 5 months. There is such an emotional void in my heart and I'm scared to be alone.
Are you with me? That was me when I haven get over it today and I get over most of it by the night.
1. I'm sure you know as well as I do that it is really painful and it's up to you to actually solve the emotions in your heart. The first thing I do was making a decision to stop feeling hurt.
2. Please don't escape from reality by doing stuff that will hurt yourself because that just ease your pain temporary. And after that you will still feel painful. I did my best to forget about her by playing games but it's actually no use at all, I still end up thinking and crying after playing the games.
3. What you need now are friends and relatives -People that will talk to you, some may ease your pain, some may not, look for those who will.
4. Please cry. It helps to cry. If you want to cry please cry. Hug someone close to you and cry. You will feel better if you cry rather then suppressing your feelings. Talk to your friends, relatives, parents.
5. You will feel better if you write how you feel and what you want to say to her, you can choose to send to her or not to send to her after you write it down. I felt tearless after writing what I want to say to her.
What really helps me was this... I realized that most probably my girlfriend wanted to break up with me not because of she doesn't love me although she say so, but because of she can't stand the pressure of handling me and her studies at the same time. It's too much a burden to her.
Suddenly I understood how stress she must have feel and I naturally stop feeling sad. I began to think that perhaps this isn't our time to be together, she is having a hard time coping with her studies and can't handle the stress so it's time for me to go. Perhaps we will not be together perhaps we will but if we still carry on, it will be so unfair to both of us. Instead of feeling and enjoying the love and time spent, she might break down inventually handling the stress. If I really love her, I should understand her and let her go. If one day we are fated to be together, we will be together but not now. We maybe broken up for now, but maybe we will still be together 5 years later, married? Who knows? But give up all hopes on waiting for her to return, you will feel better that way.
It's really not fair for you to feel hurt. Let it go, it's a burden to you as well. Just let it go and you will feel better. It's not about how long time that will heal you, it's about you yourself that will heal your broken heart. You will go stronger through this experience, and more mature after this experience.

Mind control is a process of making any individual loose their control over their own thinking and behavior. Many mind control experiments are done through physical force and violence. You should not confuse Hypnotism with mind control. The two are different terms.
Mind control can be enforced by religion, politics, parents' behavior etc. Mind control has been related to two syndromes. They are Battered person syndrome and Stockholm syndrome. Battered person syndrome is normally associated with women where she kills the abuser who gave her a long term physical and psychological abuse. Such persons will have low self esteem. Stockholm syndrome is referred to the loyalty and affection by the victim to the abuser.
Mind control tutorial offers you to learn more about our mind. There are several researches about solar system, earth and so on. But we have to learn more about our mind. You can learn from mind control tutorial about how people think, how the thinking of others can be affected by words etc. Mind control tutorial helps you to get relief from negative thoughts and to achieve your goal.
Mind control tutorial can be learnt to make a person unaware of what is going on and you can change his mind by step by step process. Some religious leaders use mind control to change the person's behavior and get such people to possess more commitment to fulfill their desires and goals.
Mind control tutorial may also create a sense of lacking power in man. Some people use this by taking the persons away from normal social activities. This will eliminate the persons' confidence. The leader will use the situation and make some inner confusion among persons. But they will not allow speaking about such confusions. This will make them obey their leaders' comments. <
Mind control tutorial often lead to behavior control. Behavior control means the regulation of individual's real behavior. The persons will have to report about their thoughts, feelings to the leader. They will not allow taking any decisions. Only group thinking is allowed.
Information and thought control is also prevailed. The persons are encouraged to spy other members. They will not be able o analyze any matter rationally. They will develop the habit of obeying the leader without any question. They should not ask any critical question about the leader. Anything the persons think opposite to the leader will be considered illegal.
Remember: mind control is a process of making any individual loose their control over their own thinking and behavior. Many mind control experiments are done through physical force and violence. You should not confuse Hypnotism with mind control. The two are different terms.
The mind control tutorial also lead to the thinking that if any thing went wrong that is their mistake only and not the fault of the leader. The mind control helps the leader to pass excessive fear and guiltiness in the persons. Learn more by bookmarking the popular blog at http://easyhypnosistips.com and keeping up with updated info on this topic for yourself and to help your friends and loved ones.

Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama from Illinois is accused of plagiarizing speeches from a 2006 speech by Deval Patrick, the Democratic governor of Massachusetts. The Obama speech entitled "Words Matter" was delivered in Feb. 16, 2008 during a meeting in Wisconsin and had several similarities with the Patrick speech delivered in 2006.
Particularly noticeable are the passages wherein both Obama and Patrick list famous historical quotes such as "I have a dream", "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal" and "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" in an effort to demonstrate the power of words.
Both speeches were delivered in an effort to defend the use of speeches and rhetoric as a campaign strategy. Obama has recently received criticism from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton's side claims that Obama does not have enough political experience to be able to act as a president and that his campaign was built solely on words.
In response, Obama delivered his "Words Matter" speech wherein he insists that words have the power to change minds and inspire citizens. The Clinton campaign then latched on to the accusation of plagiarism, bringing to fore the similarities between the Obama and Patrick speeches.
Both Obama and Patrick declared that no plagiarism has taken place. Obama reasons out that he and Patrick are good friends and that they often talk about strategies. Patrick delivered his "Just Words" speech in 2006 as retaliation to criticism that he was ill equipped to handle real political problems and that his campaign was running solely on well-versed speeches. According to Patrick, after Clinton made the same accusations of his friend Obama, he encouraged the Illinois senator to defend himself the same way Patrick did in 2006. <
Political commentators note that both Obama and Patrick use the same campaign team, particularly the campaign leader David Axelrod, which may be the reason why their strategies are so similar. Obama even retorted that Clinton herself had begun to use some of his campaign buzzwords.
These accusations of plagiarism are reminiscent of the incident in 1988 when Democratic presidential candidate Joe Bidden had to drop out of the race after coming under fire for plagiarizing a speech by Neil Kinnock of the British Labour Party.
Barack Obama began his political career after he announced his intentions of running for the Illonois Senate in 1995. He became a senator for Illinois in 2005, which was also the time when he was officially sworn in.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was first exposed to politics as the First Lady during the term of her husband former American President Bill Clinton, which began in 1993. As a first lady, Clinton was appointed the chairwoman of the Task Force on National Health Care. At the end of her husband's term, she was elected senator for New York in 2000 and was re-elected in 2006.

Traditional methods of smile enhancement, like veneers, often have required painful hours in the dentist's chair.
"I have always been worried that we are doing damage, especially on young people, by taking away too much tooth structure," says a North Carolina dentist in a posting on www.dentaltown.com, a popular dental Web site and forum.
Now, with one of the newest developments in cosmetic dentistry, Lumineers by Cerinate, you can dramatically improve your smile immediately and painlessly. There is virtually no maintenance, save for regular brushings, and your new smile will be permanent.
Veneers require the removal of sensitive tooth structure, which necessitates the use of anesthesia and pain medication. However, Lumineers are so thin and strong that they don't require the same invasive drilling and shaving.
Lumineers leave original teeth intact. They are also clinically proven to last up to 20 years.
So when it comes to smile makeovers today, some 7,500 dentists are choosing Lumineers. These contact lens-thin smile enhancers are a great alternative to orthodontics and can be placed over old crowns and bridges.
Dental professionals are so impressed with new developments like Lumineers that they are placing them on their own friends' and loved ones' teeth.
"I placed Lumineers on my daughter," reveals another dentist on dentaltown.com. "I can't wait to do another case."
Lumineers can be made only from Cerinate, an innovative porcelain developed by Den-Mat Corp. They have been lauded in top dental publications, including Dental Products Report, which awarded them a spot in its "Top 10 Products" list.

The syllabus can be readily divided into two parts. The Keelboat Sailing Certification Program is made up of seven stages while Small Boat Sailing Program contains a further two stages.
The Basic Small Boat Sailing Standard requires no previous experience or qualifications. It is the first course in the Small Boat Sailing Program. Students must demonstrate a theoretical knowledge of the names and functions of various parts of a boat together with common sailing terms, the sail and its ancillary components, the International Rules for Collision Prevention both at sea and on inland waters and hey should demonstrate a basic knowledge of safety procedures. On the practical side they must show they can tread water for 5 minutes and swim 100 metres, rig, launch and retrieve the boat, set and trim the sails, sail both upwind and downwind, tack and gybe, correctly apply the rules of the road, recover a man overboard, recover from a capsize, accept and pass a towline, tie four specified Knots within a given time. Upon completion he or she will be able to sail a centerboard or multihull sailboat in light to moderate winds and sea conditions in familiar waters.
The first course in the Keelboat Sailing Certification Program is known as Basic Keelboat. No experience or qualifications are necessary. To complete the course students will be required to demonstrate that they can put a name to and describe the workings of various parts of a boat including the hull, keel, deck bow and stern. The components of both the running and standing rigging. The different sails including the names of part of a sail - foot, leech, luff, head, tack and clew. The various spars, mast and boom. They will be familiar with sailing terminology used to describe various manoeuvres such as gybing and coming about. Students will understand the points of sail be it close hauled, reaching or running. They will understand the basics of collision avoidance including rules of the road. They will demonstrate they are familiar with regulations covering registration and identification, proper waste disposal, who to notify in the event of an accident and what safety equipment is requires by law to be carried on a vessel and how it is used. They will be able to demonstrate a knowledge of buoyage Participants will know how to anchor a boat and describe the choice of anchors and their attributes and failings. On the practical side they must demonstrate sail handling skills, they will display competence at the helm including mooring, sailing both upwind and downwind together with a successful tack and gybe. They will complete a successful man overboard recovery. They will show they know how to tie 6 different knots and understand their various uses. Upon completion of the course students should be able to sail a boat of some 20 feet in length in moderate winds in familiar waters.
The second stage is called Basic Coastal Cruising and students must hold the Basic Keelboat Sailing Certificate prior to undertaking this course. The course looks at safety on board including equipment and procedures. An understanding of fire prevention and fighting is required. Students will be required to demonstrate a knowledge of first aid and the treatment of hypothermia. Basic meteorology is considered and students must demonstrate an understanding of shipping forecasts. An understanding of the relationship between the skipper and crew and the respective duties of each is required. Students must be able to undertake basic chartwork including depths; types of bottom, hazards, bouys, beacons and lights. The practical side of this course looks at boat handling under power and sail, man overboard recovery, the various points of sail, reefing and heaving to, docking and mooring and some knot work. When completed the sailor should be able to cruise safely in regional waters on a sailboat of up to 30 feet in length, in moderate winds and sea conditions.
Trailerable Multihull Standard, this course is the second in the Small Boat Sailing Program. It may be taught as part of or following the Basic Coastal Cruising course. Completion of the Basic Keelboat is a prerequisite prior to taking this course. On the theory side students must be able to identify and name the various parts of a multihull that are not found on a monohull including the different wing decks, hulls, cross arms, three point rig, bridle line, safety nets, seagull and dolphin strikers. They will be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of multihulls including, performance, comfort safety and the danger of capsize. On the practical side the sailor will demonstrate: how to cast of and leave the quay with at least two different wind directions relative to the bow and then return and berth alongside, pick up a mooring buoy, manoeuvre in a restricted space, reverse, recover a man overboard, the different points of sail, tacking and gybing, sail a compass course within 10 degrees. They will anchor in the following ways, bow anchor and bridle and single bow with a stern line to the shore. When completed sailors are able to cruise safely in local and regional waters as both skipper and crew on an auxiliary multihull sailboat of up to 30 feet in length, in moderate wind and sea conditions.
Bareboat Chartering is the next stage. Participants are expected to hold the Basic Coastal Cruising Certificate before doing this course. The theory side covers the preparation of both crew and boat for a one week cruise including the preparation of a passage plan. Meteorology is considered including a look at fog and onshore and offshore winds. Seamanship is looked at and students should know what action is required if the engine fails, they should know how to anchor the boat bow or stern to. On the practical side the student will be able to undertake daily and weekly maintenance tasks, manoeuvre the boat under power in a restricted space, pick up a mooring buoy, use the VHF radio. The following navigational skills are required, plotting a course and establishing the compass heading and calculating an estimated time of arrival. Establishing a fix using visual bearing. Use a chart to pilot the boat into an unfamiliar harbour. Students must obtain and interpret a shipping forecast. When completed the individual can act as skipper of a boat up to 50 feet in length sailing by day in coastal waters.
The next stage is known as Coastal Navigation. This is a theory only course and no prior experience or knowledge is required. Students will be required to demonstrate knowledge of various State and Federal regulations pertaining to sailing. They must understand how the use navigational instruments including both steering and hand bearing compasses, binoculars, depth sounder, log, parallel rule and dividers. Participants must display an understanding of tide tables and their use when dealing with secondary ports. They should be able to convert bearings and compass courses between, compass, magnetic and true, plot a dead reckoning position, understand the effect of current and leeway when estimating a position and plot a position by two or more bearings, a running fix and a bearing and distance. Finally they will need to demonstrate a knowledge of buoyage and lights.
The Cruising Catamaran course deals exclusively with multihull sailing and concentrates on the differences a sailor finds as opposed to monohull sailing. Participants should have completed the Bareboat Chartering stage. On the theory side students must be able to identify and name the various parts of a multihull that are not found on a monohull including the different wing decks, hulls, cross arms, three point rig, bridle line, safety nets, seagull and dolphin strikers. They will be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of multihulls including, performance, comfort safety and the danger of capsize. On the practical side the sailor will demonstrate: how to cast of and leave the quay with at least two different wind directions relative to the bow and then return and berth alongside, pick up a mooring buoy, manoeuvre in a restricted space, reverse, recover a man overboard, the different points of sail, tacking and gybing, sail a compass course within 10 degrees. They will anchor in the following ways, two anchors of the bow or stern, bow anchor and bridle, single bow with a stern line to the shore and bow to fixed mooring. Upon completion the person can skipper a multihull sailboat of up to 50 foot in length by day in coastal waters.
Advanced Coastal Cruising follows and participants should have completed both the Bareboat Chartering and Coastal Navigation stages. Students will be required to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the theory of sailing, an understanding of meteorology including the various cloud formations and the weather that can be expected with each. They will understand the needs of heavy weather sailing, the necessary sail changes and the use of the correct safety equipment and procedures. They will be able to describe: how set a second anchor to reduce swinging, how to recover a fouled anchor, how to use a trip line and an anchor buoy and when and how to set an anchor watch. They will describe how to tow or be towed. They will have a knowledge of distress signals. Students will correctly describe the actions required in the following emergency situations: a dismasting, running aground on a lee shore and engine failure. Students will be able to carry out maintenance and repairs on the engine. On the water students must: sail on all points of the wind and tack and gybe in a wind of at least 15 knots, sail a compass course to within 10 degrees, carry out a man overboard recovery in darkness. They will demonstrate their ability to set, sail with including a gybe, douse and pack a spinnaker. And finally they will stand a navigation watch of 20 miles both at day and night. When completed a person can skipper a sailing vessel of up to 50 feet in length both during day and night in coastal waters regardless of weather and sea conditions.
The next stage is called Celestial Navigation. The course is theory based and requires no experience or prior qualifications. The student must be able to demonstrate the Celestial Navigation required to navigate a sailboat on an offshore passage. The successful student will have demonstrated their ability to: Convert longitude into time and standard time and zone time to GMT. They will be able to calculate: the zone time given longitude, the chronometer error given a previous error and the daily rate, the time of meridian passage of the sun and calculate the boat's latitude from the observed meridian altitude of the sun, the times of sunrise, sunset and twilight, plot celestial lines of position on a Mercator projection or on a universal plotting sheet and the true bearing of a low altitude celestial body in order to determine the error and deviation of the compass. The student will be able to apply the corrections for index error, dip of the horizon, and total correction to convert sextant altitudes of the sun, stars, planets, and moon to true altitudes, determine the latitude at twilight by means of the Pole Star and the approximate azimuths and altitudes of the navigational stars and planets at twilight. In addition they will be capable of solving the navigational triangle using a navigation table and advance the LOP obtained from a sun sight to another LOP obtained from the sun at a later time and find the boat's position using a running fix (sun-run-sun).
This celestial theory can be put into practice during the Offshore Passage Making course. Entrants should be certified to the Advanced Coastal Cruising level. The student will plan a passage across either the Pacific or North Atlantic using Great Circle Plotting Charts and Climatic Charts. They must show an understanding of the essential factors to be considered when selecting a vessel for an offshore ocean passage of at least 1000 miles including hull construction and shape, keel, rig, and rudder type, fuel and water capacity. They must provide a list of tools and spares required for such a voyage. They must victual the boat for four people on passage for seven days. They must list the items to be carried in the first aid kit and describe basic treatments for injuries and illnesses that may occur together with identifying a source of mare advanced medical information while on passage. They will prepare a watch keeping system and define the duties of crew members both on and off watch. They will design a maintenance plan to cover: Bilges, electronic equipment, fuel system, hatches, galley equipment, rigging, safety equipment sea cocks, steering and the water system. They will describe the procedures to be undertaken in the following emergency situations: abandon ship, dismasting, fire onboard, lightning strike, man overboard. A comprehensive knowledge of the International Regulation for Preventing Collision at Sea must be demonstrated. When the course is completed is the sailor cans skipper a sailing vessel on offshore passages in any weather.

Take for example the Mini Skirt.
Mary Quant, chanteuse of the swinging 60's Carnaby Street, is credited as the first to reveal the ultra-short miniskirt. The mini was shocking, and not since the 20's flapper had exposing your knee caused such a stir. Respectable ladies wore skirts at knee length, and young girls were supposed to follow the respectable path, but something happened when the daring Quant shortened skirts, and the world went mod.
Designer Andre Courreges is also credited with the mini's creation, but Quant successfully commercialized the new freedom of teenage fashion, exposing the sexually explosive 60's to the mini. The all-too-revealing miniskirt coincided with the birth of the sexual revolution, and exposed more than legs. The birth control pill hit the market in 1960, and in 1962, feminist and future Cosmopolitan editor Helen Gurley Brown published Sex and the Single Girl, a support manual for young women who refused marriage but didn't want to sacrifice the most primal urge. Sex was everywhere, and even more shocking than girls enjoying sex was that they were talking about it. And the miniskirt was the best advertisement for the sexual revolution.
Girls could strut their stuff, free to expose their sensuality, and men were just going to have to deal with it! No more covering up, keeping flesh under wraps because of the consequences of temptation. The miniskirt boldly stated the new confidence of a woman's body, and her place in the feminine world. Protection and 'providing for' was no longer what the 60's gal wanted. She called the shots, and in her sexy new miniskirt, she got what she wanted.
The miniskirt has remained a major staple throughout the years, as a sign of both sexuality and confidence (though we should warn you that showing thigh won't instantly turn you into an Amazon princess. The mini might make you look sexy, but the confidence part is up to you). The 80's returned the miniskirt back to pure unadulterated sensuality when Madonna slithered across the floor in thigh-high, black lycra miniskirts. Paired with lace tights and mesh shirts that exposed the navel, the 80's miniskirt was unashamed and in your face. The 60's mini was mild in comparison to the body-hugging shamelessness of 80's cotton lycra.
The mini-skirt received even more controversy when it found its way into the professional realm of the 90's. Heather Locklear's 'Amanda' on Melrose Place stirred up attention in her skirts that barely hung below the hemline of her suit jackets. Professional women were conflicted: yes, the mini-skirt made your legs look fabulous, but was this going too far? When Calista Flockhart's title character on Ally McBeal received more attention for her skirts than for her law practice, girls had to wonder if the line had been crossed.
Hemlines rise and fall faster than the stock market-where liberated women are down on the exchange floor beside their fellow man, thank you very much. The true fashion icon of the 60's, the mini skirt is fearless: it allows women to celebrate their sexuality, and yet defies the old fashion convention of yesteryear.
Born Andrew Drew Okun on June 25, 1952, Al Parker lived a full life before finally succumbing to AIDS in August of 1992. As a teen living in Natick, Massachusetts, pre-Al Parker Okun was able to convince his parents to lend him their brand new Mustang and drive to Woodstock, which he told them was a classical music festival. Later, when a documentary was made on the event, Okun was seen in the crowd featured on the movie poster.
At Woodstock, Okun had several homosexual encounters, several of which were in the back of a van. These were not his first sexual encounters with men, as Okun was raped at knife point when he was only 15 years old. This was the type of scene that would be replayed and filmed several times throughout his career as an adult film star.
Upon graduating high school, Okun moved to Los Angeles and scored a job as a butler at Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion. While there, adult film producer Rip Colt discovered the butler and changed his name to Al Parker, a manlier name that paid tribute to the famous artist. Soon, the new Al Parker was starring in several of Colt's 8mm short films.
Shortly after being discovered, Parker met Richard Cole, a man many years his senior. It was Cole who introduced Parker to sexual hedonism and the two began a long and open relationship. In fact, they even put a bed in the back of their van so they could pick up and have sex with men during their cross country road trips.
In 1980, Cole and Parker started Surge Studios and began producing their own films. Parker's role in the business expanded beyond just acting, and soon included producing and directing. The duo began creating larger budget themed films, many shot out of their home in Hermosa Beach, California.
In 1986 Cole died of AIDS. As a result of how hard HIV and AIDS were hitting the adult film industry, as well as the community at large, Surge Studios began mandating safe sex practices during filming (and was one of the first studios to begin doing so). After Cole's death, Parker began seeing Justin Cade, a Canadian porn star. Parker also remained in the business, even after he tested positive for the virus. Finally, in August of 1992, Parker died of AIDS in San Francisco.